Aug 24, 2010

Horizontal Building by Steven Holl in China... Absolutely amazing!!!

As an Architect, I couldn't be more amazed by this design from Steven Holl. A truly exemple of modern Architecture. A very innovative building without the trendy formal BS...
Check out more information about the project at Holl's website:

Aug 21, 2010

Unbelivebly good motiondesign by Bonsajo with Sound by Cubesato!!!

I love the glitchy/housy style of CUBESATO's music. Super fun!!!
Make sure you check their other works...

Aug 5, 2010

I found this guy's work quite impressive. It's worth a look...

THE TRANSCENDENT CITY from Richard Hardy on Vimeo.

The architect's words "The concept of a future sustainable city is developed for a society that is currently not responding effectively to environmental dangers. "Transcendence" in this case referring to a point when artificial intelligence has reached or surpassed that of the human."
Make sure you check his other videos on vimeo:

Aug 3, 2010

"WORDS" is out!!!

WORDS from Christian Jason Smith on Vimeo.

Short film done just for fun to test some phisycs techniques. Thanks Jose for the awesome sound!!!