Sep 16, 2010

Augmented Reality

I've always been fascinated about Augmented Reality and I decided to start exploring this new app for Iphone which lets you create your own layer in alternate reality. It's called LAYAR... and it's pretty cool shit!!! First step, get me an Iphone... Hopefully I can do something useful for society for a change. Wish me luck!!!

Aug 24, 2010

Horizontal Building by Steven Holl in China... Absolutely amazing!!!

As an Architect, I couldn't be more amazed by this design from Steven Holl. A truly exemple of modern Architecture. A very innovative building without the trendy formal BS...
Check out more information about the project at Holl's website:

Aug 21, 2010

Unbelivebly good motiondesign by Bonsajo with Sound by Cubesato!!!

I love the glitchy/housy style of CUBESATO's music. Super fun!!!
Make sure you check their other works...

Aug 5, 2010

I found this guy's work quite impressive. It's worth a look...

THE TRANSCENDENT CITY from Richard Hardy on Vimeo.

The architect's words "The concept of a future sustainable city is developed for a society that is currently not responding effectively to environmental dangers. "Transcendence" in this case referring to a point when artificial intelligence has reached or surpassed that of the human."
Make sure you check his other videos on vimeo:

Aug 3, 2010

"WORDS" is out!!!

WORDS from Christian Jason Smith on Vimeo.

Short film done just for fun to test some phisycs techniques. Thanks Jose for the awesome sound!!!

Mar 30, 2010

1st Animatic for Short film still missing a name... any ideas?

1st Animatic for Short film still missing a name... any ideas? from Christian Jason Smith on Vimeo.

Well, many things are still missing (besides the name). I´m planning to blend some 2d typography with it. See how it goes...